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River Pools & Spas Blog

The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.

Jason Hughes

Blog Feature

Finding A Pool Contractor

5 Things the Pool Industry Can Learn From Walt Disney!

Author's Note: Because so many swimming pool professionals throughout the industry read this blog and often come to us at River Pools with questions, I've decided to write an article directed to them, although the theme found herein can certainly be applied to future and current pool owners as well, considering the topic is quite relevant for all of us.

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Blog Feature

Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner  |  Options and Accessories

Salt Water Pools: What Type of Salt Should I Use and Why?

What kind of salt should I put in my pool? With salt water pools becoming so prevalent in the swimming pool industry today, a lot of questions arise—and not always a lot of answers. A lot of pool companies don't even know the answers to the questions, and very little has been written about this subject. Such confusion is understandable. Salt water pools grew rapidly within the industry, and there are so few case studies to understand this important science. This article will help you understand the different types of salt currently available for purchase and which of these is best for use in a swimming pool with a salt chlorine generator.

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Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age Ebook.

Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age

Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Blog Feature

Patio and Coping

How much does stamped concrete cost? Pool Patio Q & A

Planning a budget for an inground pool? Want to know how much money to allocate toward your stamped concrete patio? Great, you've come to the right place!

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Blog Feature

Finding A Pool Contractor  |  Patio and Coping

Swimming Pool Patio Q&A: Will my concrete pool patio crack?

Ben Franklin made the famous statement that the only things guaranteed in life are death and taxes. I've got news for you; good ole' Ben was wrong! Try this one: Death...taxes...and concrete will crack! That's not quite as catchy, but it's true nonetheless. So the straight answer to the question is: Yes your concrete pool deck will crack. But don't get excited, we're going to discuss why concrete cracks and then talk solutions. Let's see if we can comprehend this contrary characteristic of concrete.

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Blog Feature

Options and Accessories

Pool Slides: 4 Things You Need to Know!

Thinking about adding a slide to your backyard pool? They can be fun for the whole family! Here at River Pools, we want to help you create the backyard of your dreams while also staying within budget. We're big fans of pool slides, and we go by these guidelines: You can add a pool slide later. You need to plan the slide's location. You need enough space on your patio for the slide. You have many slide models to choose from.

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Blog Feature

Fiberglass Pool Information  |  Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers  |  Patio and Coping  |  Pool Design Guides  |  Pool Videos

Inground Pool Pictures from River Pools and Spas: Hot off the Press!

Watch this video to see a slideshow of our latest inground pool pictures.

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Blog Feature

Options and Accessories

LED vs Fiber Optic: Which Inground Pool Light is Better?

When purchasing an inground swimming pool, there are some accessories such as heaters, security covers, and automatic vacuums that can be added or changed over time. You do not have that flexibility with an inground pool light. It's a one-shot deal. Let's look at the two most popular products on the market today to find which inground pool light could work better for you.

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing  |  Fiberglass Pool Information  |  Options and Accessories

Waterline Tile on Fiberglass Pools: Questions and Answers

Fiberglass pools are unique...at least when it comes to waterline tile (also called perimeter tile). With a gunite pool, waterline tile is required to avoid a waterline staining, and tile is certainly not an option with an inground vinyl liner pool. Only inground fiberglass pools give you the choice of going with a waterline tile or leaving the pool shell exposed above the waterline. So the question before the fiberglass pool consumer is: "Do I want fiberglass pool tile?" Here are some FAQ regarding fiberglass pool tile to assist in making a decision.

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing

Cheap Fiberglass Pools: 4 Ways To Save Money on Your Fiberglass Pool!

Can you get a discount fiberglass pool from a reputable fiberglass pool dealer? The answer is YES YOU CAN! Do you have to sacrifice quality? No, you don't. I'll show you 4 ways you can buy a top-rated fiberglass pool from a reputable fiberglass pool dealer at a discounted price. Here you go!

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Blog Feature

Installation & Construction  |  Patio and Coping  |  Pool Videos

Fiberglass Pool Coping: Cantilevered Concrete Video

Watch the following video to learn about fiberglass pool coping finished with a bullnosed/cantilevered edge.

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