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Price Your Pool
Which Pool Supplies Do You Need When You Buy a Pool?

Which Pool Supplies Do You Need When You Buy a Pool?

Pool Maintenance  |  Options and Accessories


We heard you’re getting a new inground pool.

Once your pool builder is done with the construction of your beautiful swimming pool, it will be your job to keep it in good shape so that you can enjoy it for years to come.

If you’re new to inground pool ownership, we’d personally like to welcome you to the club. You’ll quickly find that owning a pool can be great for the health and happiness of you and your family.

As fiberglass pool manufacturers and installers, we’ve helped hundreds of new pool owners get set up and ready to go with their new inground pools. So, to help you get a great start to your life as a member of the pool owner’s club, we broke down which pool supplies you’ll need by the time your swimming pool is in the ground and ready to use.

In the following sections, you’ll learn what you need to keep handy around your pool, why you need it, and how much it might cost.

We also threw in a few extras for you to consider if you want to upgrade your experience.

Let’s dive in.


Swimming Pool Supplies



Skimmer Net

What’s the first tool that comes to mind when you think of pool supplies? Our guess is it’s a skimmer net, and for a good reason. It’s nice to have something around to fish unwanted bugs and leaves out of your pool, and a skimmer net makes that super easy to do.

Remember, things like leaves and berries can cause stains if they sit on the pool’s surface (the actual pool, not the water’s surface) for too long, so it’s better to fish them out while they’re floating along the top. Pro tip: consider getting a leaf rake because it has a bigger net to help you quickly scoop up more leaves and debris. 

Average skimmer net price: $18


Pool Vacuum

A pool vacuum or suction cleaner can go a long way in keeping your pool dirt and algae-free throughout its lifespan. Dirt can also cause stains if you let it sit on the pool floor or steps for too long, so it’s good to get in the habit of cleaning it up at least once per week.

This might sound like it’s going to be your least favorite chore, but we can assure you that it’s nothing like vacuuming the carpet in your home. In fact, a lot of customers tell us that they find vacuuming their pool to be a relaxing experience.

Average pool vacuum price: $100 to $350


Water Test Kit

The secret to keeping balanced pool water and a well-maintained pool is to regularly test the water (about two or three times per week should do the trick). Staying on top of your testing routine will help you keep your chemicals balanced, which not only makes your life easier but it’s also good for the surface of your swimming pool.

A neglected pool can develop stains and other imperfections, and the longer you neglect it, the harder it will be to bring the water chemistry back to normal levels.

Average pool test kit price: $20 to $100


Pool Brush

Your pool walls can get slimy and harbor algae if you don’t take care of them. To make sure your surface can stay as pristine as day one, you’ll need to brush down your pool about once a week or so to wash away all that grime. If you have a concrete pool with a plaster surface, you’ll want to use a steel-bristle pool brush to combat the algae that like to hide in the porous material. If you have a liner pool or a fiberglass pool, a soft nylon brush will suffice.

Actually, you’ll destroy your liner if you use any kind of steel tool on it, and fiberglass pools simply don’t need any vigorous brushing (the gelcoat surface on a fiberglass pool is naturally smooth and algae-resistant).

Average pool brush price: $20


Pool Pumice

For really tough pool stains, especially those along waterline tile or surface tile, a pumice stone can be your best friend. Please don’t pull your exfoliating pumice stone out of your shower for this. You’ll have plenty of options down at your local pool supply shop.

Again, stick to tile or concrete surfaces if you’re going to use a pumice stone, and don’t use anything abrasive on your vinyl or fiberglass pool surface. Pro tip: getting one with a handle might make your life a little bit easier.

Average pool pumice price: $10 to $20


Soft Cloths

Forget the steel rake and pumice stones. Sometimes, all it takes is a soft cloth and a gentle pool cleaner to remove pesky stains. This is especially true if you own a fiberglass pool. Just make sure that any pool cleaner liquid that you use on your pool is made for the pool type that you own.

Average soft cloth price: $10


Pool Sanitizer (chlorine, salt, etc.)

This is a no brainer, but if you’re going with traditional chlorine, you’ll need to have chlorine handy when you’re ready to start up your pool. Whether you want to use tablets, liquid, or powder, you can stock up at your swimming pool store or order it online in advance. You’ll need to have plenty of salt on hand to start up your pool if you’re installing a salt-chlorine generator. A new pool can require 40-50 pounds of salt for every 2,000 gallons of water

Average pool sanitizer price: $50 to $270


Pool Shock

No matter which sanitizing system you use, it’s useful to keep some pool shock around in case your pool becomes an algae breeding ground or a muddy mess. You may also choose to shock your pool about once per month or every three weeks to make sure the pool is clean and algae-free.

Average pool shock price: $35


Life Saving Ring

Life rings aren’t just for lifeguard stations at public pools. Having a life ring or lifesaver near your inground pool can boost the safety of all swimmers. Remember, any time children are in the water, it’s important that at least one adult supervise (and preferably without alcohol). You can read more about pool safety rules in this article

Average life saving ring cost: $70 to $80


Filter Cleaner Tool

Afraid your filter will get dirty and clogged? A filter cleaner tool can help you out. You probably won’t need it when you first open your swimming pool, but it would be nice not to have to run to the pool store if you find that you need it later on. Pro tip: get a filter cleaning spray to go with it (around $10).

Average filter cleaning tool price: $30



If your pool had a mortal enemy, it would probably be algae. As we mentioned earlier, algae shouldn’t be an issue for fiberglass pool owners, but concrete and vinyl liner pool owners need to be vigilant to keep the algae at bay. Liner pools can typically collect algae at steps and seams while every inch of a concrete pool with a plaster surface is an alga dream home. A good algaecide should help you quickly clear up an infestation so that you can get back to swimming.

Average algaecide price: $10 to $30


Pool Stain Eraser Tool

Finally, no pool owner’s tool kit would be complete without a stain eraser tool. These little guys are extremely helpful in getting stubborn stains off your pool’s surface (just make sure you get one that’s compatible with your pool type). Pro tip: some pool tool kits come with interchangeable heads and can provide most of what you need with one purchase.

Average stain eraser tool price: $15 to $25



Swimming Pool Supplies Average Pool Supplies Cost
Skimmer Net $18
Pool Vacuum $100 - $350
Water Test Kit $20 - $100
Pool Brush $20
Pool Pumice $10 - $20
Soft Cloths  $10
Pool Sanitizer $50 - $270
Pool Shock $35
Life Saving Ring $70 - $80
Filter Cleaner Tool $30
Algaecide $10 - $30
Pool Stain Eraser Tool $15 - $25



Nice to Have Pool Supplies

If you want to upgrade your pool owner's kit, here are a few of our top recommendations. If you already own a swimming pool, please let us know in the comments below which pool supplies you'd recommend for first-time pool owners.


Automatic Pool Vacuum

We said that pool vacuuming isn't a hassle for most people, and it's not, but it does still take time out of your day. Wouldn't it be nice if a robot could do the vacuuming for you? An automatic or robotic pool vacuum can clean up the floors and walls of your pool while you work, make dinner, and even sleep.

Average robotic vacuum price: $700 to $1,200


Digital Pool Tester

If you don't want to use a manual pool testing kit, a digital pool tester can simplify the process. Some of them even stay in your pool and can be monitored from a mobile app. While a digital pool tester isn't an absolute must, it can make maintaining your pool easier, and it's a nifty upgrade if you want to automate your inground pool.

Average digital pool tester price: $60 to $200


Automatic Chlorinator

Speaking of automation, wouldn't it be great if your pool could sanitize itself? You're always going to have to do some hands-on work, but an automatic chlorinator can do most of it for you. The cool thing about automatic chlorinators is that they sanitize your water as it filters through the system. You can read more about the different types of automatic chlorinators here

Average automatic chlorinator price: $35 to $95


Pool Cover

Depending on where you live, you may or may not need a pool cover to meet local regulations. Either way, it can be nice to have a pool cover to keep leaves and debris out of your pool and add an extra layer of safety to the pool area when no one is watching. A pool cover can also help heat up your pool if you don't have a pool heater (or don't want to pay the money to use it).

There are different types of pool covers, with winter pool covers being the least expensive and automatic and rolling deck pool covers being the most expensive. You can read more about pool cover types and costs here.

Average pool cover price: $100 and up


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At River Pools, we manufacture world-class fiberglass pools for customers across North America. If you're still in the stages of shopping for an inground pool, you can check out our video library, browse our pool models, request custom pricing, or try out our free pool pricing calculator below. Happy swimming!


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Up Next:

What Maintenance Does a Fiberglass Pool Need?

The Ultimate Guide to Inground Swimming Pool Maintenance

The Lowdown on Saltwater Pools vs. Chlorine Pools