When purchasing a swimming pool, consumers are often curious as to how loud the pool pump and filter will be. Such a question makes a good bit of sense, especially considering no one wants to be relaxing next to their swimming pool with the load roar of a motor just a few feet away.
There are 3 main factors that dictate how much noise a pool's filter system will put off:
1. Proximity
It's always a good idea to place the pool's filter system at least 20' or more off the pool. Not only does this benefit the general aesthetics of the scene, but it simply makes it harder to hear any noise coming from the equipment.
2. Cartridge Filter
Most consumers are not aware of the fact that cartridge filters are more quiet than sand filters simply because of the hydraulic design of each. Because a sand filter has a 'port' that the water has to pass through before reaching the filter, this naturally puts off more noise than a cartridge unit that does not need the additional piece of equipment to be effective.
3. Variable Speed Pump
Of all the factors that lead to a quiet swimming pool filter system, none has more impact than choosing the right pump-- one with at least two speeds. For example, all of our clients at River Pools get a Whisperflow 2-Speed pump made by Pentair. This pump is quite indicative of its name, as when it's on low-speed, it truly 'whispers', as shown on the video seen here. Along with making swimming pool operation much more energy efficient, multiple speed pumps are a must based on their noise reduction alone.
Well, I hope this helps everyone considering a pool to choose the right type of filter system for their backyard oasis. As always, happy swimming to everyone and have a wonderful 4th of July weekend.
At River Pools, we manufacture world-class fiberglass pools for customers across North America. If you'd like to get a fiberglass pool for your home, you can browse our pool models, try out our pool pricing calculator, or request custom pricing using the button below.

Up Next:
How Does a Pool Pump/Filter System Work?
Swimming Pool Heaters: Types, Costs, Pros & Cons
Ultimate Pool Planning Guide: 11 Things to Consider Before Installing an Inground Pool