River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Finding A Pool Contractor | Installation & Construction
At River Pools and Spas we have the opportunity to speak with literally hundreds of pool builders around the world. Sometimes they teach us, sometimes we mentor them. But any way you cut it, it’s given us tremendous exposure to the world of fiberglass pools and great insight into the little things that tend to make a big difference in fiberglass pool construction.
So here we are, mid April, and many of you reading this are still looking at a pool in your backyard with a cover on it. This is understandable, and I’m sure you have your reasons, but I simply wanted to write this little article from the opposite perspective.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction | Pool Videos
We figured we'd have some fun and attempt something we've never done, or even seen done before in the pool industry (although I'm sure it has)...and that's to do an entire fiberglass pool installation, including concrete patio, all in a single day!
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Finding A Pool Contractor | Installation & Construction
I met with a great couple last night for a project planning meeting. They are ecstatic about getting their new fiberglass pool just in time for summer, but during the meeting they continued to bring up a terrible experience they had the previous year with another contractor. Apparently, they were told that their backyard patio and retaining wall project would be completed sometime in July. But to their great astonishment, the project dragged on and wasn’t wrapped up until late November. In their words: “We lost our entire summer and fall!”
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Finding A Pool Contractor
Yes, that’s right, fiberglass pools are better than concrete (gunite) pools, at least in most applications. Are there exceptions? Sure, no doubt, fiberglass pools are not for everyone due to some of their size and shape limitations, but the fact that they are exploding in popularity all over the world, especially in the US and Canada, one must no longer see fiberglass as a distant 3rd to concrete and vinyl in the swimming pool industry. But the main question is why? Why so much growth in popularity? Here’s the short answer:
Fiberglass Pool Information | Finding A Pool Contractor | Installation & Construction | Options and Accessories
This is a great question! And one that needs addressing. The first thing that any potential fiberglass pool owner needs to know is this: Your pool will not be perfectly level. I’m sure you probably have a lot of questions about this...that’s great, because we’ll try to answer them all here. We have this conversation with every single customer before the project begins, so we thought we’d have it with you too.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction
If you’ve following our fiberglass pool manufacturing series to this point, you know we’ve already covered:
Installation & Construction | Options and Accessories | Retaining Walls, Fence, and Landscaping
Note from Marcus: This is a guest post from one of the most prominent landscape designers in the Northern Virginia area, David Marciniak of Revolutionary Gardens.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction
Ok, if you’re following our series on fiberglass pool manufacturing, you’ve already learned about the defects that can result from improper mold maintenance as well as the importance of proper gel coat application in manufacturing. Today we’re going to discuss the third phase in the fiberglass pool manufacturing process, the vinyl ester resin layer, and the importance it plays in building a long lasting pool.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction | Pool Design Guides
Today we’re going to discuss how the gel coat layer of a fiberglass pool is applied in manufacturing, some guidelines used by manufacturers, and the problems that arise when these guidelines are not adhered to.