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Price Your Pool

River Pools & Spas Blog

The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.

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Are Fiberglass Pools Too Skinny? And Does Width Really Matter?

I had an interesting experience last week with a gentleman who was considering a pool. As we were standing in his backyard and doing a general lay-off of the pool, he quickly dismissed the idea of fiberglass because it simply wasn’t wide enough. After a few minutes of Q & A though, the customer decided he really just needed to talk to some of our existing clients who own a pool and get their take on the matter.

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Pool Design Guides

Fiberglass Pool Step Location: How Important is it...Really?

Ask yourself a quick question: Have you ever made this statement of your home? “Geesh, I wish the steps leading to the upstairs were closer to the front door?” Chances are you haven’t. But notwithstanding, the single biggest design hang-up that folks encounter, especially with fiberglass pools, is the notion that the steps of the pool need to be as close as possible to the entrance of the pool area.

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Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age Ebook.

Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age

Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Top 5 Questions People Have about Fiberglass Pools

One advantage of being a pool guy working at a Home Show is the opportunity to answer literally hundreds of questions about fiberglass pools. It just so happens that most people have the same questions. After attending dozens of such shows and fairs over the past ten years and answering literally thousands of these pool questions, I figured it would be beneficial to take a moment and cover the basics for those just beginning their quest for the perfect inground swimming pool.

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10 Things You Must Know BEFORE Signing a Fiberglass Pool Contract

Although we’ve written similar articles to this one on the blog before, the following letter prompted me to come up with a list of things fiberglass pool consumers must check on/know before they agree to any work from a contractor. As you will see from the following letter I received a few days ago (I've withheld all names involved), such a list can save a homeowner from many potential problems

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The Most Egregious Fiberglass Pool Warranty I've ever Seen

As most of you are very well aware, the entire purpose of this blog is to educate, and at the same time elevate, the fiberglass pool industry. And because the popularity of fiberglass pools has exploded throughout North America in the past 10 years, it’s critical to us, the writers of this blog, that such a growth curve continues to happen as consumers become more and more informed as to the beauties of fiberglass pool ownership.

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Fiberglass Pool Owners: Never Tell your Friends with Concrete Pools These 5 Things

Attention Fiberglass Pool Owners: Please Do Not Disclose this information to your buddies with Concrete/Gunite Pools…because they’ll be way jealous and drastic things could happen.

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Despite Advances, Some Concrete Pool Companies Still Hanging on to the Past

Just the other day I was speaking with a pool customer in the Maryland area who was debating the merits of concrete vs. fiberglass swimming pools. During our discussion, I became disenchanted to hear some of the concerns this gentleman had—not because he had concerns, but the root of the concerns themselves.

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How to Set and Install a Deep-End Fiberglass Pool

The process of setting a Deep End Fiberglass Pool is the most critical phase of the construction process. An improper set could result in damage to the pool shell when the weight of the water is placed on the structure.

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Unbiased Pool Owner Speaks Out Regarding Concrete vs Fiberglass Debate

As just about any pool shopper knows, there is a significant debate raging on in the swimming pool industry: Concrete Compared to Fiberglass: Which is the Best Swimming Pool? Understandably, this question merits serious consideration. But the truth is, just about every pool guy is quite biased when it comes to the product they sell. And no matter what any person says, they are almost always leaning one way or another when it comes to what they tend to recommend to customers.

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Swimming Pools and Dogs: A Few Points to Ponder

Many of you seeing the title of this article may laugh at the idea of pools and dogs, but believe it or not, for many families out there, the dog(s) have just as much say in the pool as the rest of the family does. Just ask my business partner Jim with his two pugs. Sometimes I think those two dogs have more say than any human in Jim’s household…but I digress.

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