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Price Your Pool

River Pools & Spas Blog

The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.

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10 Ways Owning a Pool Will Change Your Home, Health, and Happiness

My three year old daughter came to me on a recent morning and proclaimed vigorously, "Daddy, I need you to take me outside.....Now!".... And if there is one thing I've learned over the years as a parent to my kids, there is nothing better than a daughter grabbing the hand of her father and being lead to wherever her whim might take the journey....And so we were off.

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Can Concrete (Gunite) Pools Float? Crazy Pictures

I was recently sitting with a customer looking to buy a fiberglass swimming pool and the classic question came out. 'Marcus, I was talking with the guy that gave me a quote on a concrete pool and he told me that I didn't want a fiberglass pool because it would float. Is that true?'

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Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age Ebook.

Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age

Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Fiberglass Pool Shoppers Alert: Disturbing Customer Experience and Photos

This is one of those blog articles that I really debated on writing. Why? Because it's one that shows the ‘ugly side' of the fiberglass pool industry. And as all our readers are very well aware, we have done everything we can at River Pools to educate the world, via this blog, on the GOOD of fiberglass pools. So as you read the following, I'd ask that you remember this key phrase, which applies to any pool, any industry, and any company: Do not let poor actions of the few influence your good feelings towards the many.

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5 Ways to Make Your Pool Project More Affordable in 2021

Every pool shopper has a budget. As a pool guy, I get this. And that's what this article is all about. I've personally assisted thousands of people in their inground pool purchase. The concept of meeting a budget but also being happy with one's decisions can be a fine balance. To start you off, our cost and pricing guide for inground swimming pools compares the pricing for concrete, vinyl liner, and fiberglass pools. On top of that, I have 5 suggestions for how you can stay within your pool budget.

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Awesome Fiberglass Pool Installation Video!

Many people, especially when debating over whether to install a fiberglass pool themselves or have a professional installer do it for them, are frankly not quite sure of what a proper installation entails. As we have done with so many other videos regarding the swimming pool industry, this video (produced by Jason Hughes) takes all the essential steps of unloading, excavating, setting, plumbing, filling with water, and backfilling a fiberglass pool and rolls it into a concise yet extremely informative and entertaining 10-minute video.

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Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner  |  Patio and Coping  |  Pool Design Guides

Top 5 Vinyl Liner Pool Problems and Solutions

Vinyl liner swimming pools make up a significant portion of the swimming pool market in the United States, with a very large majority built in the Northeastern segment of the country. Often when someone is considering the purchase of such a pool, they are confronted with a few important decisions regarding some potential issues and problems that come with this structure. This article will explain some of these issues as well as the corresponding remedies.

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Hydrostatic Pressure and Dewatering Systems for Fiberglass Pools

We are frequently asked questions about the effects of ground water on fiberglass pools. The short answer is that it has no effect in most cases as long as the pool remains full of water. But you may be wondering, “What if the pool is not full of water?” My response is - Exactly!

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Fiberglass Pool Information  |  Pool Design Guides

Swimming Pools vs RVs and Campers: Which is a Better Investment?

Swimming Pool or RV , which should I buy...and how do I decide? Such is a question I've heard many, many times as a pool builder, especially considering we deal with customers throughout Virginia and Maryland, one of the more prominent boating spots in the country. So to help you with the potential debate, I'd like to submit my own thoughts from personal past experience.

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Pool Plumbing: How to Install Skimmers, Returns, & Main Drain Fittings

Most fiberglass pool shells come from the manufacturer without skimmers, return fittings, main drain fittings, or any other thru-wall fitting installed on the pool. This outfitting must be done by the pool installer and although it may seem simple in principle, it is a critical component to the successful installation of the pool.

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7 Deadly Sins of Fiberglass Pool Installations!

My life in the pool industry began at age 15 as a humble laborer in a small family owned pool business. The term “green-horn” doesn’t even begin to describe my naiveté at the time. I realized I had a lot to learn when one day, on an above-ground pool installation, my boss sent me to find the “wall stretcher” behind the seat of the truck. I returned after thirty minutes of tearing the truck apart looking for the thing to find my two comrades rolling on the ground with laughter. It was then I realized the stupid tool didn’t even exist. Well, some things never change; I still have a lot to learn. But since my partners and I started River Pools and Spas in 2001, we have added over 1,000 inground fiberglass pool customers to our reference list. One thing’s for sure: we’ve seen plenty of the good, the bad, and the ugly of fiberglass pool installations.

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