River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
Concrete Pool Information | DIY Fiberglass Pools | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Swimming Pool FAQs | Vinyl Liner Pool Information
More than likely, the search that landed you here is one that we’ve been seeing more and more of these days. Let us take a guess - did it look anything like “inground pools for sale” or “inground pools for sale near me”?
Concrete Pool Information | Cost and Pricing | DIY Fiberglass Pools | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Installation & Construction | Vinyl Liner Pool Information
If you’ve ever built a toy model or assembled furniture from a box, you might think that a pool kit is similar to that. In some ways, you are correct. An inground pool kit comes with many of the parts that you need to put your pool together, but in the end, it’s more than just assembling the pieces.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
DIY Fiberglass Pools | Fiberglass Pool Information
We’re not psychics, but we’re guessing you’re thinking about getting a fiberglass pool kit. After all, that’s why you’re here, right? While we don’t have mind-reading superpowers, we are pretty knowledgable about inground fiberglass swimming pools. Since you’re looking for information on fiberglass pool kits, like how much they cost, what they include, and mistakes to avoid, we want to help you out by sharing as much of our knowledge as we can.
DIY Fiberglass Pools | Fiberglass Pool Information | Pool Maintenance
So, you’re finally ready to get your own inground swimming pool. Chances are, this is something that you have been dreaming about for years, and we couldn’t be more excited for you. At River Pools, we specialize in fiberglass swimming pools, and we know just how exciting buying a pool can be. In fact, we feel that’s exactly as it should be.
Concrete Pool Information | Cost and Pricing | DIY Fiberglass Pools | Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction | Swimming Pool FAQs | Vinyl Liner Pool Information
So you’re up for a home improvement project, only this time you’re taking on something big...you want to build your own swimming pool. And that’s awesome. We know how rewarding it can be to complete a project and benefit from it for years. It might fill you with a sense of pride to do things on your own and to do a good job, or you might just want to save some money. Swimming pools can be tricky though, and mistakes can be costly. So, how will you know if a DIY inground pool is a good idea or if you’ve undertaken too much?
Cost and Pricing | DIY Fiberglass Pools | Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction
Yes, people do buy used fiberglass swimming pools. And no, I’m not kidding. How does it happen? In most cases, a ‘used’ fiberglass pool is one that was partially installed, got damaged during the process, and then had to be taken back to the factory for repair (as the repair was too much to do on the job site itself). Also, in a very few cases, fully installed fiberglass pool shells have been removed from the ground in order for the homeowners to install another pool or change the backyard design in general. But because fiberglass shells can last 50+ years, this typically isn't an issue.
Cost and Pricing | DIY Fiberglass Pools | Installation & Construction
So you're thinking about doing a DIY and installing a fiberglass pool kit yourself, eh? It's interesting how often we get asked about self-installs here at River Pools. In fact, we usually sell 3–5 of these kits every year to homeowners. That's why I wanted to discuss today some of the problems and considerations that must be made before you simply buy a kit and start digging.
DIY Fiberglass Pools | Installation & Construction | Pool Videos
Now that gravel has become the accepted standard (over sand) as the backfill and base material used in the fiberglass pool industry, many persons often inquire with our company as to the type of gravel/stone that should be used as well as the amount typically required when installing a fiberglass pool.
DIY Fiberglass Pools | Finding A Pool Contractor | Installation & Construction | Retaining Walls, Fence, and Landscaping
Lately it seems that a lot of homeowners I am meeting with have slopes in their backyards. Some of these slopes range in a grade difference of 1’ to 6’ from where the pool deck starts and finishes. What this means is that your fiberglass pool, when set in the ground, may be even with the ground on one end or side and 1 to 6 feet out of the ground on the other end or side. In such occasions, retaining walls are often the necessary solution, although moving the pool to another more flat location can at times work as well. I had one customer who could have moved their pool to an area in the backyard that would have alleviated any walls, but they wanted the added visual effect the walls would give them.
DIY Fiberglass Pools | Finding A Pool Contractor | Installation & Construction
This article is going to be short and sweet, but it’s the result of a disturbing email I received the other day that made me realize we hadn’t covered the following subject in our blog. The email read: Hi Marcus, my builder says it’s OK to build a fiberglass pool on top of fill dirt, is this true? As you can very well imagine, any pool, whether it’s concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass, needs to be built on solid, undisturbed soil (concrete pools can use pillars, but that’s another article for another day). Why?
Before you leave, grab a copy of our ebook.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.