River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Pool Design Guides | Pool Videos
Of the hundreds of questions we are asked on a daily basis, the most common is probably this: "What are the differences between concrete and fiberglass pools?" It's a great question and there are many differences, but there's one in particular that fiberglass pool owners love to talk about: fiberglass pools are extremely low maintenance.
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Installation & Construction
We wrote a blog on this subject a few years ago, and after visiting the Pool and Spa show in Atlantic City, I felt that the topic needed to be revisited. I had heard that some fiberglass pool manufacturers who also have vested interest in vinyl liner pools manufacturing are requesting that their fiberglass pool dealers install vinyl liner pools also. I have no problem with that as long as the sales person keeps the customer's best interest in mind when working with them. I have installed vinyl liner pools myself and under the right conditions, I would do it now.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
Although this photo might confuse you at first, it's showing a fiberglass display pool at our headquarters here in Warsaw, VA, after some serious wind gusts that have been plaguing the state over the last couple of days. What normally is a pool shell on its side with the trailer as its base, mother nature decided to blow it over with some serious force behind it, causing the shell to slam to the ground. Even better though, the shell was unharmed. Its flexibility and tensile strength, as always, saved the day.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
Well, you’re in the market for a swimming pool. Congratulations! Yes, I know, you may be thinking a pool is going to be a lot of work. But these days, it clearly doesn’t have to be, especially if you choose a few options that will make pool ownership much, much easier. In order to help you find the type of pool that will best suit your needs, here are some helpful tips.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
When it comes down to it, every type of inground swimming pool has its share of problems. Vinyl liner pools are very temporary, fiberglass pools have size/depth restrictions, and concrete pools have their drawbacks as well. In this article, though, I’m going to point out some problems with concrete pools you may not have considered before. These are things you should clearly know before moving forward with your inground pool purchase.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Patio and Coping | Pool Videos
In this video, you’ll see an existing vinyl liner pool that we converted to fiberglass. The most amazing aspect of this entire project is that the dilapidated vinyl pool you're about to see is only 15 years old…and it’s already gone through 3 liners!
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
With the summer upon approaching rapidly, many folks out there are debating whether or not they should go with an underground pool (aka “in-ground”) or one that sits on top the ground. So for the sake of all you out there that are having this debate, here are some points to consider: Cost Size Maintenance Longevity
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
If you are considering the purchase of an inground pool, you're already researching how much the pool will cost upfront. It's important! However, you’re probably also wondering what maintenance and repair costs you can expect to encounter as the years pass on. As you’ll see, the answer to that question largely depends on the type of pool that you choose: concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass.
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Pool Videos
There is a huge misconception out there in the inground pool consumer market and I’m here today to set the record straight. The idea that a concrete pool will cost you less than a fiberglass pool is fool’s gold.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
Like many of you, I just was part of the ‘East Coast Earthquake’ of 2011. For 10 seconds, I was sitting in my office, feeling the floor shaking beneath me, and asking myself—“Am I actually in an earthquake?”