River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
Concrete Pool Information | Cost and Pricing | DIY Fiberglass Pools | Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction | Swimming Pool FAQs | Vinyl Liner Pool Information
So you’re up for a home improvement project, only this time you’re taking on something big...you want to build your own swimming pool. And that’s awesome. We know how rewarding it can be to complete a project and benefit from it for years. It might fill you with a sense of pride to do things on your own and to do a good job, or you might just want to save some money. Swimming pools can be tricky though, and mistakes can be costly. So, how will you know if a DIY inground pool is a good idea or if you’ve undertaken too much?
Installation & Construction | Swimming Pool FAQs
Like many, you’re probably dreaming about having your own swimming pool in your backyard. After all, it is an amazing thing to be able to go swimming whenever you want. No more public pools.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Installation & Construction | Pool Manufacturing Process | Swimming Pool FAQs
A fiberglass pool installation can be messy. Correction, a fiberglass pool installation WILL be messy. There's no way around it. Inground pool installations, regardless of the type of pool you choose, require giant machinery to rip out a ton of earth and put in your beautiful new pool. It's not a clean, tidy process. There tends to be a rose-colored-glasses assumption that there won't be that many machines, and they won't make that much of a mess. We hear of comments all the time from homeowners saying, "I didn't know my yard was gonna be such a mess. No one told me." Well, this is us telling you. It's going to be a mess. Although we don't install pools, that's done by the independently owned and operated company you purchase your River Pools fiberglass pool from; we do have team members with LOTS of installation experience. On behalf of them and their years of experience, we're here to help align your expectations with pool installation reality.
Cost and Pricing | Installation & Construction | Patio and Coping | Pool Design Guides
Let me just say...if you’re reading this article, it’s pretty safe to say you have good taste. How do I know? Because if you’re researching pool coping, you already know you want something special. Am I right?
Installation & Construction | Pool Manufacturing Process
The idea of building my own home (well, hiring someone to build it) is wild to me. That's some phenomenal cosmic power. You can include all your favorite things and leave out the details you hate. The only thing that would make building a new home even cooler? If you were putting in a pool with it. Talk about living the dream. So if you're building a new house, when should the pool be installed? The answer is... "It depends." (I know, I wish it were simpler too.) The ideal time: after power, before asphalt and landscaping. Of course, things aren't always so simple.
Installation & Construction | Pool Design Guides | Pool Manufacturing Process | Swimming Pool Design
You know something I think is cute about humans in general? Our love for small things. Think about it! Even if we like the thing itself, we love the tiny version. A pig? Kinda gross. A tiny pig? Awww! A teacup? Classy. A tiny teacup? I need it right now! A house? Fine. A tiny house? Perfect! A cat or dog? Beautiful. A kitten or puppy? I want to die of happiness!
Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction | Pool Manufacturing Process | Swimming Pool FAQs
When I first visited River Pools in person, the first things I noticed were the...red-orange lumps outside. What kinda yard decorations are those? The answer: Not decorations at all. (Whew!) Turns out, these are pool molds—we make them ourselves and then use them to manufacture our fiberglass pools. Fancy, right? But what does all that really mean? Let's talk about these weird-looking lumps: What a pool mold is, and what it is not How we make a mold for a fiberglass pool How we use a mold for a fiberglass pool How we maintain a mold for a fiberglass pool
Cost and Pricing | Installation & Construction
Sometimes it’s time for a switcheroo. I’ll reorganize my nonfiction bookcase, or my mom will plant new flowers around her house, or my cat will suddenly start sleeping on a new corner of the sofa for no reason. You might have reasons behind it, or you might just feel like a change. Maybe for you—whether for money, maintenance, or just a plain ol’ change of pace—your vinyl liner pool is the subject of that change. At River Pools, we specialize in fiberglass pools, and several times a year we replace vinyl liner pools with fiberglass units. Our clients are thrilled with the results, and with fiberglass pools gaining market share every year, we expect to take on more and more of these replacement projects.
Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers | Installation & Construction | Pool Videos
In February 2018, River Pools had the opportunity to build a fiberglass pool for former Vice President Joe Biden. This was in Delaware, though—outside the River Pools installation area. A problem? Not at all. Enter one of our nationwide dealers, Clean Cut Pavers and Pools. River Pools manufactured the G36 fiberglass pool shell and transported it to the dealer, who installed it in the Bidens' backyard. Some of the River Pools family went out that week to watch the installation and to highlight this dealer, their employees, and their good work. (Others of us—that is, me, myself, and I—were left at the office. I was kind of sad.)