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River Pools & Spas Blog

The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.

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How to Get Rid of Algae in an Inground Swimming Pool

Green: the lovely color of freshly mowed grass, summer leaves fluttering in the breeze, and the protagonist’s eyes in any teen novel in the local library. It’s not so lovely when it’s the color of algae in your inground pool.

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Concrete Pool Information  |  Swimming Pool FAQs  |  Vinyl Liner Pool Information

Concrete Pools vs. Vinyl Liner Pools: An Honest Comparison

Even though we’re one of the country’s leading fiberglass pool specialists, we’re still familiar with concrete and vinyl liner pools and understand that they have a place in the market. We appreciate their value and recognize that people want to learn about all types of pools. We’re here to help you learn everything you need to know about buying the perfect pool for you and your family. In this article, we'll cover the pros and cons of these two types of pools in the following areas:

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Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age Ebook.

Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age

Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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How to Remove Wrinkles from Your Inground Vinyl Liner Pool

Liner wrinkles are part of owning a vinyl liner pool. A liner is very thin, and when it’s initially installed, it’s not uncommon to have some wrinkles in the pool. Wrinkles can also develop slowly over time, which is unfortunately true for both pools and people.

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Which Pool Type Is More Prone to Leaks? Fiberglass vs. Vinyl Liner vs. Concrete

Ah yes, the relaxing rush of a waterfall. Such a beautiful, soothing noise…until you remember that you’re sitting by your pool and didn’t install a waterfall. Yikes. Leaks are inconvenient but also, more important, expensive to find and repair—from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the type of pool, the type of leak, and whether you locate and repair the leak yourself or hire a professional.

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Everything You Need to Know About Fiberglass Pools

So you're thinking about getting a pool. You've narrowed your choices down to an inground fiberglass pool... or something else. While we offer a wealth of information on various types of inground and above-ground pools, we specialize in fiberglass pools and have extensive knowledge and expertise in their design and installation. We specialize in fiberglass pools, and the overwhelming positive feedback from our customers continues to validate that decision every day. One key reason for our success has been our emphasis on education -- we want everyone to make the best choice for their circumstances, even if it means some folks choose other types of pools for their backyards. So, is a fiberglass pool right for you? Let's find out!

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Cost and Pricing  |  Installation & Construction  |  Options and Accessories  |  Swimming Pool FAQs  |  Vinyl Liner Pool Information

Ultimate Budget Guide for an Inground Vinyl Liner Pool

How much will my vinyl liner pool cost? What do I need to budget for? You’ve already asked yourself these questions—you know that buying a pool is a big financial decision. You don’t need us to tell you that. River Pools aims to provide you all the information so you can make the best decision in your pool search. We suggest ways to make your pool project more affordable and provide a pricing guide for all three of the major inground pool types.

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Concrete Pool Information  |  Cost and Pricing  |  Pool Maintenance  |  Pool Manufacturing Process  |  Swimming Pool FAQs

Concrete Pool Basics: Pros, Cons, and How They’re Made

A pool is a pool is a pool, right? Actually, not so much. When you’re planning such a big investment, you need to look into the three primary pool types—concrete, vinyl liner, and fiberglass—to understand the differences. River Pools specializes in fiberglass pools, but we know you need all the information on all the pool types in order to make an educated decision on what’s best for your needs. For some people, concrete is the way to go.

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Installation & Construction  |  Pool Manufacturing Process  |  Swimming Pool Design  |  Swimming Pool FAQs  |  Vinyl Liner Pool Information

Inground Vinyl Pool Liner Thickness: Basics, Costs, and Options

Are you shopping for vinyl pool liners for your swimming pool and uncertain what thickness is best? Want to verify in layman’s terms what your pool builder has offered? Unsure what a “mil” measurement even means? At River Pools, we specialize in fiberglass pools, and we also know a lot about other inground pool types. If you're interested in a vinyl liner swimming pool for your home, we want to share some key information on the thickness of the liner to help you make the best choices while buying your pool.

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Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner  |  Pool Maintenance  |  Swimming Pool FAQs  |  Vinyl Liner Pool Information

How to Avoid Divots, Dents, and Bumps in a Vinyl Liner Pool

If you decide to go with a vinyl liner pool, we won’t cry…much. (River Pools specializes in fiberglass pools, after all.) But that vinyl liner needs some special attention in order to live its life to the fullest. While the builders and installers are responsible for creating your pool according to specifications, you have the power to ensure that they do so and that your pool stays in good health for as long as possible. One way to do that is to understand how to prevent divots, dents, and bumps in the bottom of your vinyl liner pool.

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Concrete Pool Information  |  Cost and Pricing  |  Swimming Pool FAQs

How Much Does a Concrete Pool Cost?

Interested in a concrete pool, but concerned about staying within budget? At River Pools, we specialize in fiberglass pools, but we know that in some situations, concrete pools are a better fit. Vinyl liner, concrete, and fiberglass pools all vary in cost, but each type has a certain range. In order to make a fully informed decision about your concrete pool purchase, you need to know the cost of ownership both upfront (building) and in the future (maintenance).

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