River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Vinyl Liner Pool Information
Considering a fiberglass or vinyl liner pool? We’re here to help. While we manufacture fiberglass pools, our main goal is happy pool owners. So, we try to provide information on all types of pools.
Concrete Pool Information | Installation & Construction | Options and Accessories | Swimming Pool Design
When it comes to concrete or gunite pools, the finishing options have expanded significantly in recent years. While traditional plaster remains a classic choice, alternative finishes can offer additional benefits such as increased durability, smoother textures, and unique aesthetic appeal. Exploring these options allows pool owners to customize their swimming experience and potentially enhance comfort for all users.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass Pool Information | Installation & Construction | Swimming Pool FAQs
So you're thinking about getting a pool. You've narrowed your choices down to an inground fiberglass pool... or something else. While we offer a wealth of information on various types of inground and above-ground pools, we specialize in fiberglass pools and have extensive knowledge and expertise in their design and installation. We specialize in fiberglass pools, and the overwhelming positive feedback from our customers continues to validate that decision every day. One key reason for our success has been our emphasis on education -- we want everyone to make the best choice for their circumstances, even if it means some folks choose other types of pools for their backyards. So, is a fiberglass pool right for you? Let's find out!
This article is written by Jason Hughes, a renowned expert in fiberglass pool installation. With experience from over 2,000 projects, Jason is dedicated to educating both the public and industry professionals. He serves as a Fiberglass Pool Installation Course Instructor for Genesis and Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA).
If you are considering an inground swimming pool, you probably have a lot of questions about how they are constructed. Before we get into the following video that covers a key component of fiberglass pool installations, let me introduce you to our FREE inground pool ebook that goes into great detail regarding the installation processes of all three types of inground pools: Concrete Pools, Vinyl Liner Pools, and Fiberglass Pools.
Most folks would love to be able to use their swimming pool for as many days of the year as they possibly can. But where you live, and your local climate, can have a major impact on pool availability -- especially if you live in a more northerly state with more than its fair share of cold and/or snowy days. At River Pools, we speak with hundreds of folks each year about inground pool projects. Many of these prospective pool buyers have questions about pool heaters, and we're always happy to answer these questions. But today, we're going to distill the most common pool heating questions into one helpful article. We want pool buyers (and owners) everywhere to have an easy reference point on the benefits of heating your pool, the different heating options available to you, and what you can expect to spend on each type of pool heater, both in terms of upfront costs (purchase and/or installation), and on an ongoing month-by-month basis for electricity or fuel and regular maintenance.
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Installation & Construction
We wrote a blog on this subject a few years ago, and after visiting the Pool and Spa show in Atlantic City, I felt that the topic needed to be revisited. I had heard that some fiberglass pool manufacturers who also have vested interest in vinyl liner pools manufacturing are requesting that their fiberglass pool dealers install vinyl liner pools also. I have no problem with that as long as the sales person keeps the customer's best interest in mind when working with them. I have installed vinyl liner pools myself and under the right conditions, I would do it now.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
When it comes down to it, every type of inground swimming pool has its share of problems. Vinyl liner pools are very temporary, fiberglass pools have size/depth restrictions, and concrete pools have their drawbacks as well. In this article, though, I’m going to point out some problems with concrete pools you may not have considered before. These are things you should clearly know before moving forward with your inground pool purchase.
Let’s face it - many folks just don’t have a flat yard. If you fall into that category and are interested in an inground pool, you are probably asking yourself the following questions: What options do I have for installing a pool in my yard? What will the project look like when completed? How much will it cost?
Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner
If you are considering the purchase of an inground pool, you're already researching how much the pool will cost upfront. It's important! However, you’re probably also wondering what maintenance and repair costs you can expect to encounter as the years pass on. As you’ll see, the answer to that question largely depends on the type of pool that you choose: concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass.