River Pools® would like to thank you for choosing one of our fiberglass swimming pools. We are honored to be a small part of the memories you will have in and around your new pool for many years to come.
Please follow these next steps to complete your warranty registration.
1) Read Acknowledgement and Agreement
2) Read Warranty and Safety Documentation
3) Submit the Form
1) Read the Acknowledgement and Agreement
To ensure you understand the relationship between the manufacturer and the installer and the proper care and safe use of your new pool, please take a few minutes to review the information carefully and complete the form below. Completing the form below will ensure your order is processed by the dealer without any delay and allow for an efficient response to any warranty issues you may have in the future. Your pool shell warranty will not begin until the day the pool is delivered to your backyard.
The dealer’s customer listed below acknowledges and agrees as follows:
Thursday Pools, LLC (“Thursday”) manufactures pool shells for the brands Thursday Pools® and River Pools® and sells those pool shells to independently owned and operated franchisees and dealers (collectively referred to herein as “Installers”). Thursday does not install pool shells and is not involved in Installers’ pool installations.
River Pools Franchising, LLC (“Franchising”) provides independently owned and operated
River Pools franchisees with the right to market the River Pools brand of pool shells as a franchisee.
Franchising does not manufacture pool shells. Franchising does not install pools shells and is not involved in Installer pool installations.
Installers enter into contracts with customers to install pool shells, and Installers purchase pool shells from Thursday. Neither Thursday nor Franchising is a party to the Installer’s contract with the customer, and Installers are not agents of either Thursday or Franchising for any purpose. Customer acknowledges that it is contracting only with Installers and, other than the warranty on the pool shell, its sole recourse is against Installers. Customer further acknowledges and agrees that Installer is not an agent, express or implied, of either Thursday or Franchising and Installer has no authority to act on behalf of Thursday or Franchising. Thursday is only a supplier of a pool shell to the Installers. Neither Thursday
nor Franchising is a guarantor of Installer’s performance or an endorser of Installer’s services, and neither Thursday or Franchising is responsible for Installer’s installation or other contract performance.
Installers place orders for pool shells with Thursday, and Thursday makes the pool shells
available for pickup by Installer’s carrier at the time prescribed by Thursday and upon full payment by Installer for the pool shell. Installers then make arrangements for transporting the pool shell. Customer acknowledges that Thursday’s obligations to customer are limited to the warranty on the pool shell, and customer further acknowledges that Franchising has no obligations to customer.
Customer’s acknowledgement and acceptance of these terms are a condition precedent to
customer’s contract with Installers to install a Thursday Pools or River Pools branded pool shell, and to Thursday’s obligation to sell a pool shell to Installers. These terms are not and may not be changed by any written or verbal statements or marketing materials and may be changed only by a writing signed by the chief executive officer of Thursday and Franchising.
Customer acknowledges that customer has read and understands these terms and conditions; and that customer has consulted, or been provided an opportunity to consult, with legal counsel of customer’s choosing before signing below. If customer has any questions regarding the foregoing, please contact Thursday at 877-929-7665 ext. 0, or warranty@riverpoolsandspas.com.
2) Read the Warranty and Safety Documentation
Below are important documents regarding the care and use of your new fiberglass swimming pool. Please download them and keep them for your records.
- River Pools Manufacturing Warranty
- Owners Manual
- River Pools Fiberglass Pool Care Guide
- Pool Safety Resources
- Children Aren't Waterproof
- Pool Safety Checklist
- Water Watcher Card
- Layers of Protection Start with You
- 5 Layers of Protection - National Drowning Prevention Alliance
- Entrap Avoidance Guidelines
- The Sensible Way to Enjoy Your Inground Swimming Pool
- Acknowledgment and Agreement Document
3) Submit the Form
To ensure you properly care, maintain, and safely use your new pool and that we maintain an efficient response to any warranty issues you may have in the future, please take a few minutes to review the information carefully and complete the form below.