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Swimming Pool Blog

River Pools & Spas Blog

The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.

Holly Jender

Blog Feature

Concrete Pool Information  |  Pool Maintenance

Are Salt Water Systems Bad for Concrete Pools?

Close your eyes and picture the sidewalk on your street. I myself live on an ominous back road—no sidewalk or concrete, just loose gravel and abandoned houses. But it branches off the main street, which is paved and has a sidewalk. Fancy. This sidewalk features trip hazards and aesthetic issues: multiple cracks, salt stains, little holes and etching, and (bonus) a set of footprints from a small dog. Concrete has its own set of issues, but let’s think about those salt stains and etches for a moment. That’s just from the occasional weather maintenance, like the trucks that spray salt all over the road and the sidewalks (and your car if you’re driving behind them). Water in a concrete pool wears at the plaster all day every day. Now add a salt chlorine generator to that mix. Salt + water + concrete. See how that might be an issue?

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Blog Feature

Options and Accessories  |  Pool Maintenance  |  Swimming Pool Accessories

Should I Get an Automation System for My Pool?

I've lost count of the times I've addressed my parents' Amazon Echo with "Hey Google." There are just so many virtual assistants, it's hard to keep them all straight. Alexa, Siri, Google Home/Assistant, and Cortana (wait, who?)... If I can barely remember which one I'm addressing, I certainly can't keep track of all the things they automate or simplify for us. A pool automation system creates this convenience for handling your pool and its features, without the multi-brand confusion. (But hey, some of them can also connect to Alexa and co.! Score!)

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Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age Ebook.

Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age

Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Options and Accessories  |  Pool Maintenance  |  Swimming Pool Accessories  |  Swimming Pool FAQs

How Does a Pool Pump/Filter System Work?

Technology is hard. It's even worse when you can't pick the equipment out of a lineup. But we're here to make your life easier, in every way we can. So today... let's talk filter systems.

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Blog Feature

Pool Maintenance

Why Do I Have Air Bubbles in My Pool?

You designed your dream backyard. The pool, the landscaping, the patio. So much effort, and so worth it. You’ve finally crafted a place that not only looks fantastic, but brings a feeling of togetherness for the ones who matter most to you. It's a beautiful thing. Except you didn't design the aggressive bubbles shooting out of the returns on the pool walls. So what's up with that? Why are you getting air bubbles in your swimming pool? This is a common problem, especially when you're first opening your pool for the season. A few bubbles in the pool or the pump is normal, but noisy churning and lots of bubbles indicate that you likely have a problem.

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Blog Feature

Options and Accessories  |  Swimming Pool Accessories

What is a Saltwater Pool? Chemistry, Lifespan, Cost, & More

Did you ever swim in the ocean, get a mouthful of seawater, and think, “Yum, I wish my pool at home tasted like this”? Yeah, probably not. Lucky for you and your taste buds, that’s not what a saltwater pool is.

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Blog Feature

Options and Accessories  |  Swimming Pool Accessories  |  Swimming Pool Design

Coolest Pool Tile Options for 2021

My mom is big on interior design, and her most recent project is redoing the tile on her kitchen wall. It wasn’t old-fashioned or broken, but she likes everything to be up-to-date and looking its best. In the same way, for fiberglass pools, tile is a matter of taste, not necessity. Here at River Pools, it’s important to us that you get the pool you want. Some customers love tile, and we’re happy to put it on. Others choose to save the money toward other features and accessories. There’s no wrong option!

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Blog Feature

Pool Design Guides  |  Swimming Pool Design

How to Customize a Fiberglass Pool

One of the big concerns about fiberglass pools is that they aren't "customizable" the way vinyl liner and concrete pools are—the pool shell itself is pre-made in a factory, and you're limited to existing designs. But in reality? Everything else is customizable, even down to the pool color and features. What you do with color, tile, elevation, water features, and more will dramatically change the look of your pool. At River Pools, we specialize in fiberglass swimming pools, so we know quite a bit about this. Our designers work with each client to create a unique aesthetic that's perfect for that family.

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing  |  Options and Accessories  |  Pool Design Guides  |  Swimming Pool Accessories  |  Swimming Pool Design

7 Pool Extras That Won't Break the Budget

Take a deep breath with me, and think back on the last time you had extra money left over in your budget. Wasn't it great? For me, it was when I had euros left over at the end of my Scotland trip—can't use them here in the US, so I ran around the Glasgow airport with my girlfriend and spent them on overpriced souvenirs. The memory alone warms my heart. The spare money is especially great when your budget is for a big purchase, such as a house or, hey, a pool. Let's be real: when you're first nailing down the project, you pass on a few things that you secretly want, for the sake of Responsibility And Budgeting. But happy day! You can use this newfound wiggle room to pick up those super awesome things. Pools are a big investment, so we're discussing proportionally affordable add-ons—about $2,000 or less.

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Blog Feature

Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner  |  Swimming Pool FAQs

What Type of Inground Pool Is Best for Me?

As any woman in a clothing store will tell you, there's no such thing as "one size fits all." There are too many variables—the length, the fabric, the cut. The same "universal" shirt is too small on one person and too big on another. When you're looking for an inground pool, there's no universal "best" pool type either. Hold on... Shouldn't we at River Pools say that there is? We specialize in fiberglass pools, after all. Well, no. Every person has different goals for their pool, different boundaries, and different families.

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Blog Feature

Concrete Pool Information  |  Cost and Pricing  |  Fiberglass Pool Information  |  Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner  |  Swimming Pool FAQs  |  Vinyl Liner Pool Information

How Much Does an Inground Pool Cost?

Here at River Pools, our mission as educators in the pool industry is to answer all your questions—the common, the technical, and even the bizarre. (Don't worry; it's a judgment-free zone.) The most common question? Cost. Whether vinyl liner or concrete or fiberglass pools, whether extravagant or minimalistic aesthetics, people want to know about how much they're going to spend. You ask; we answer.

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