River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
A swimming pool is quite unlike anything else that you may ever own. If you don’t clean your house, you can still live in it. If you don’t clean your car, you can still drive it. But if you don’t clean your pool, you can’t swim in it. At least you really shouldn’t. Cleaning is an essential part of maintaining your swimming pool and, unfortunately, keeping leaves out is only half the job. There are also invisible pathogens and parasites that can make swimming in your pool unsafe. So how do you keep them out?
Cost and Pricing | Pool Maintenance | Swimming Pool Design
Most people work hard to keep their pools from turning green. Others don’t mind it. In fact, they’ll dive in for a swim when the pool is as green as a swamp. Why? That swampy green color is intentional and it’s actually keeping the pool clean.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Options and Accessories | Patio and Coping
Did you know that most pool owners spend 70-90% of their time around the pool rather than in it? When you consider that the swimming season only lasts a few months out of the year, designing an outdoor living space that is functional and nice to look at becomes much more important. But what are your options when it comes to pool patio furniture and decorating your outdoor living space?
Options and Accessories | Patio and Coping
Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about the perfect swimming pool? When it comes to your own inground pool, chances are you already know the exact dimensions that you want, the shape, the type, and even the features that you want your swimming pool to have.
Options and Accessories | Swimming Pool Accessories | Tanning Ledges
Have you ever wanted to take the recliner from your living room and set it up in your pool? Maybe you'd like to stretch out on the couch underneath the summer sun while basking in the water. Okay, that sounds like a bad idea, but the good news is, there’s a lot of potential for pool furniture.
It’s happening. You can’t deny it because you’re reading this article. You are thinking about getting a pool! Does anyone know yet, or are you secretly getting details about your options so that you’re prepared to make the pitch to family, friends, or a spouse? Great news, you’ve come to the right place.
Options and Accessories | Swimming Pool Accessories | Tanning Ledges
We all know that swimming pools aren’t just for swimming - they’re for playing, exercising, and most importantly...relaxing! Picture yourself lying on your pool's tanning ledge with a magazine in one hand and your favorite drink in the other while your kids begin another round of Marco Polo. You get to relax and they get to play. Everyone is happy.
Pool Design Guides | Swimming Pool Design | Swimming Pool FAQs
If you’re looking for a cozy spot to add fresh life to your home and backyard, you might want to consider installing a cocktail pool. They’re typically quite a bit smaller than a standard full-sized pool, but that’s just part of their charm and appeal. A well-designed cocktail pool can bring all the bells and whistles of a full-sized pool in a more compact space, which makes them perfect for homes with smaller backyards. Cocktail pools have lots of upsides: they’re ideal for entertaining in small spaces, their smaller footprints make them more affordable than supersized pools, and they're often better for the environment than larger pools. But are cocktail pools really worth the money?
Concrete Pool Information | Cost and Pricing | Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Pool Maintenance
If you’re looking into getting an inground swimming pool, you might be asking yourself, “Should I get a concrete pool?” Here At River Pools, although we may specialize in fiberglass pools, we readily admit that concrete pools are sometimes a better fit for some people. In fact, there are even times when we encourage shoppers to choose a concrete pool over other types. Why would we do that?
Pool landscaping | Pool lighting
You may be asking yourself, "Do I really need landscape lighting around my pool?" Good question, and the answer in most cases is yes for two main reasons: form and function. With our collective experience within the inground fiberglass swimming pool industry, we've seen thousands of inground pool projects over the years.