River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
Concrete Pool Information | Installation & Construction
Do you have plans to build a concrete pool? First of all, we want to congratulate you on taking your first steps towards getting a new swimming pool for your home! Nothing compares to the joy and fun that a pool can bring to the whole family, and that's why we continue our work of manufacturing fiberglass pools year after year. But before you build a concrete pool, we encourage you to do your research so that you can know exactly what you're getting.
Are you hoping to be swimming in your own inground pool next summer? Depending on where you live in the country, that might not be a possibility. At River Pools, we manufacture fiberglass pools and work with a wide range of inground pool professionals who have all said the same thing: inground pool construction projects are already booked through the entire 2022 build season, and even into 2023 in many areas.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Fiberglass Pool Information | Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers | Pool Design Guides
Myth: Fiberglass pools are too small to be diving pools. Reality: As fiberglass pool manufacturers, we proudly partake in debunking this myth with the existence of our T Series pool.
If you've been researching inground pools for a while, you probably know that owning a swimming pool comes with its fair share of expenses. For those of you who are new to the pool scene, you can expect to pay for pool chemicals (to sanitize the pool and maintain balanced water chemistry), testing kits, maintenance service, and utilities for running the filter, pump, and heating or cooling. Water is another regular maintenance expense as well as refinishing the pool or replacing the vinyl liner.
Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner | Options and Accessories | Pool Design Guides | Swimming Pool Design | Swimming Pool FAQs
A dark bottom pool is a swimming pool that has a dark surface, like deep blue, gray, or black. These pool designs have been around for decades, but they have only recently become a widespread trend. In fact, we've seen a considerable increase in dark bottom pool color requests from our customers over the last several years (we manufacture fiberglass pools and spas). If you're on the fence about your pool color or are strongly considering a dark bottom pool, keep reading.
Are you browsing inground pool options for your home in Louisville? How about a fiberglass swimming pool? The three main inground pool types are concrete, vinyl liner, and fiberglass, with fiberglass being the lesser well-known of the three.
Well, we did it again! Pool and Spa News (PSN) has named us a top 50 pool builder for the third time in River Pools history.
Options and Accessories | Swimming Pool FAQs
Fun fact: Saltwater crocodiles are the largest living reptiles in the world. They can grow up to 23 feet long and weigh over 2,000 pounds. But we're not here to talk about crocodiles. We're here to talk about saltwater pools. As fiberglass pool manufacturers who work with a network of installers across the country, we can confirm that saltwater pools are growing more and more popular every year. While public opinion clearly supports installing or switching to a salt system, people still have a ton of questions.
Which is better: a small inground pool or a large inground pool? Why do you think so? If you said that large inground pools are better, here’s a little known secret for you: small inground pools come with a longer list of advantages than large inground pools.
Cost and Pricing | Installation & Construction
Does the sweltering summer heat have you thinking about getting an inground swimming pool? Are you searching for pool cost estimates online but can't seem to find what you need? With decades of experience in the inground pool industry (now specializing in fiberglass), we know exactly how much inground pools can cost to build and own. Our goal is to empower pool shoppers like you with information so that you can make the right choices without any lingering buyer's remorse.