Are You Looking for a One-Night Stand with Your Pool Builder?
A man and a woman who met online are having their first phone conversation. Here's how it goes:
Lady: "Hi, I'm getting married this summer. There are five other potential spouses coming out this week and I need to set time for you to come out so you can tell me why I should marry you."
Gentleman: "Wow, okay. I thought maybe we could just grab dinner. What's your preference, Thai, Italian..."
Lady: "Oh no, no time for that. I have to get this done. I just need you to come out because I'll be choosing a spouse by next week. This wedding has to happen this summer!"
Gentleman: "Being this is such a big decision, don't you think you should maybe learn a little about me before I come out? I can at least..."
Lady: "Look, I really just want to set as many of these appointments as possible. I have Wed and Thursday open right now. Which is best for you?"
Does this seem absolutely insane to you? Maybe because it is! But this is exactly how many pool shoppers approach their inground pool project.
So, What's The Problem?
The problem is that whether you want it or not, you will have a significant relationship with your pool builder, and it's not all that different from a marriage. You will live with this pool till death or relocation does you part, right?
The Pool Shopper who is only interested in getting quotes, without investing the time to become educated, is setting them self up for a one night stand.
Tons Of Companies Are Up For A One-Night Stand
Don't get me wrong. There's no shortage of companies who are happy to show up, scribble down a number, slap the pool in, then disappear into the abyss....just like in the dating world. But is that what you really want? Many people don't realize that's exactly what they're attracting when they make these two fundamental mistakes.
The Two Biggest Mistakes of Pool Shoppers
Mistake #1: They Don't Take Time To Educate Themselves
Information is power. This is just as true with pools as with anything else. Time and time again we've seen that the educated consumer is the happiest client on earth for the following reasons:
1. They are typically delighted with their pool and options
2. They plan more thoroughly
3. They invest every dollar of their project wisely
Mistake #2: They Make Decisions Based Solely On Price
Price is a huge factor, but basing your decision based on price alone is like walking down the aisle with the most "attractive" person regardless of their character. So, if price isn't everything, what else is there?
Ironically, it seems that the same qualities that make for a great spouse also make for a great pool builder.
4 Qualities Of Great Pool Builders...and Spouses
1. They Put You First
2. They Are Only Interested in A Long Term Relationship
3. They Work to Constantly Improve Themselves
4. They Keep No Secrets
This begs the question, how can you tell the good from the bad?...or more likely the differences between good, better, and best?
There are several ways. First, check references. Here's how we suggest doing so. Second, check the BBB and other public forums. Third, follow your gut...sometimes you get that feeling and personally, I've always done better to follow it.
So, you might be wondering, 'What is the right way to go about getting a quote?' Great question, here's what we suggest:
5 Stages of Pool Courtship
Step One: Determine Which Pool Type is Right For You
Step Two: Study the Options and Accessories
Step Three: Vet the Pool Builder
Step Four: Request a Quote
Step Five: Schedule Site Visit to Sure up the Numbers
Well, hopefully you've found this helpful. If you are considering installing a pool this year, we wish you the best in finding the contractor equivalent of Mr. or Mrs. Right!
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