This article is going to be short and sweet, but it’s the result of a disturbing email I received the other day that made me realize we hadn’t covered the following subject in our blog. The email read:
Hi Marcus, my builder says it’s OK to build a fiberglass pool on top of fill dirt, is this true?
As you can very well imagine, any pool, whether it’s concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass, needs to be built on solid, undisturbed soil (concrete pools can use pillars, but that’s another article for another day).
Because fill dirt settles, plain and simple (unless it has been tested by an engineer).
Because so many homes, especially in subdivisions, consist of substantial fill-dirt in the back yard, it’s not uncommon to have to make special arrangements to deal with such soil conditions.
For example, let’s say that there is 4 feet of fill dirt in your backyard but the swimming pool is only 3 feet deep in the shallow end. When excavating for this pool, you’d have to dig to the virgin soil (4 feet down) in the shallow-end area and then bring the hole up to grade with gravel.
Although this could cost you a few thousand dollars more, it’s the only way to ensure the pool does not have settling issues over time. This rule also applies to tree trunks, debris, and any other items other than rock and dirt that may be buried under the ground.
As always, happy swimming, and thank you for being a part of our community here at River Pools and Spas.

At River Pools, we manufacture world-class fiberglass pools for customers across North America. If you'd like to buy a fiberglass pool for your home and have it installed by a certified, high-quality contractor, feel free to request custom pricing using the button below.

Up Next:
Pool Construction: Comparing Concrete, Vinyl Liner, and Fiberglass Installations
How Much Is My Fiberglass Pool Really Going to Cost?
Editor’s note (5/3/24):
This article was written by Marcus Sheridan, (Partner, River Pools Virginia). The opinions expressed are those of the author. Any pricing information is based on information that was readily available at the time of publication.
River Pools is a brand of inground fiberglass pools produced via the River Pools division of the manufacturing facility in Fortville, IN. While our expertise is in fiberglass pool manufacturing, we are part of an extensive network of experts relating to all things inground pools. Our own collective experience from over the years spans manufacturing, project design, installation, and pool service. We often tap into this knowledge base and share information freely with homeowners, just like you, who are considering having a swimming pool installed in your backyard.