Can I Leave My Swimming Pool Open Year-Round?
Such was the question a customer asked me recently and so I figured that being we’d not broached this subject here on the blog, as well as the fact that November is upon us, now was the perfect time to address the idea of year-round inground swimming pools.
Like everything in life, there are pros and cons of leaving your pool open during the winter. So, to simplify this little article, I’m just going to list the good and the bad that comes with such a decision.
The Good
1. Pools are beautiful
Whether it’s 98°F in June or 32°F in January, moving water is great to listen to and enjoy. This is especially true with snow on the ground.
2. Spring Clean Up
Because pool owners often reopen for the season in May, by that point the pool has quite a bit of algae and/or other debris in it. Although this can usually be removed within a couple of days, leaving a pool open year-round means that it won’t start to see nearly the same issues, especially in terms of algae, as one that’s closed.
The Bad
1. Losing Electricity
The worst case scenario of a year-round pool is the potential of a huge snow storm where the electricity goes out, causing the water in the pool’s plumbing and filter system to freeze—leading to damaged plumbing and equipment. If you ever find yourself in this position, it’s best to immediately attempt to winterize your pool, and at least drain the pump and filter of any water in the system.
2. Cost of Electricity
Although most pool owners now have low-speed options on their pumps, an extra 4-6 months of usage does cost at least a few hundred dollars in most cases.
3. Salt System Will Not Be On
Even though this is not a huge deal, it’s one that people often forget, and that’s the fact that salt chlorine generators do not work when the water temperature drops below a certain level, usually around 60 degrees. With the cool temperatures though, water sanitation isn’t nearly as much of a problem as algae will not grow during the winter months in most areas of the world. Still, if you want to keep your pool sanitized during the cold winter months, an alternative to salt will be necessary in the majority of cases.
Thoughts or questions? Did I forget one that you can think of? As always, we appreciate our readers and value your comments.
At River Pools, we manufacture world-class fiberglass pools for customers across North America. If you're interested in buying a fiberglass pool for your home, feel free to browse our pool models, try out our pool pricing calculator, or request custom pricing using the button below.
Up Next:
Can You Build a Pool in the Winter or Fall?