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Is a Swimming Pool Worth All that Money? 5 Points to Ponder

Is a Swimming Pool Worth All that Money? 5 Points to Ponder

Fiberglass Pool Information  |  Pool Design Guides


I was at an appointment recently with a customer who asked a question that I've heard so many times before. In the midst of her struggle to justify a swimming pool purchase, this is what she said: 

It's a tough call, Marcus. We are just not sure if we should take the plunge... I just wonder if a swimming pool is worth the money we are going to put into it?

Ahh, the great debate, and one that could easily be argued on both sides. Do you take the plunge or not take the plunge? Just as my 3-year-old daughter in this photo, many of you are likely having an internal civil war as we speak on the merits of such a purchase. I empathize with your struggles and hope this discussion brings clarity to your question.


Girl standing next to pool - Should I buy a pool?


Pool guys are often times extremely biased. Heck, such can be said for anyone trying to sell a product and make a living. And although I'm not necessarily excluded from this group, I do own a pool. I've also assisted over 600 families in Virginia and Maryland in the purchase of a pool.

And considering I've had hundreds and hundreds of email and phone discussions regarding the subject with customers around the country who purchased my eBook, I am very opinionated at this point as to the true value of a swimming pool.

So for those of you that are currently asking the question "Is it worth it?", allow me to make a few points for your consideration:

  1. Real estate value
  2. The impact on children
  3. A family affair
  4. The community
  5. Creating a "staycation"

Is a pool worth the money?

A swimming pool brings joy to children and therefore parents. It offers a way for whole families to get together. A pool can also bring together people within your community and creates a great staycation opportunity. It may increase the value of your home, although you probably won't make the money back.


1. Real Estate Value

Despite what you may have heard in the past, YES, an inground swimming pool does increase the value of your home. This is especially true because of modern technology like salt and fiberglass have changed the paradigm that ‘pools are a lot of work'.

A few years ago, the National Association of Realtors stated that on average, an inground swimming pool will increase a home's value by 4–6%. Therefore, on a $500,000 home, one could expect to get $20–30k in additional home value with a pool purchase.

No, this does not typically cover the entire cost of the pool project, but it does certainly make up quite a bit of the difference.


2. The Impact on Children

I love my kids. I love watching them play. Their laughter brings me joy. And our time with them as parents is finite.

Now I know some parents out there can't wait for the day when their kids are out of the home, but let me clearly state for the record that I don't fall in this category. Although I know the birdie eventually must fly from its nest and build its own home, I'm not going to push that birdie out.

In other words, I'm going to enjoy ever moment of this wonderful gift called parenthood, and I can definitively say that owning a swimming pool adds incredibly to this time period and the joys that come with it.


3. A Family Affair

Children aren't the only ones that benefit from swimming pool ownership. In fact, I have many customers that are grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., each looking forward to the times they'll share with their family in the backyard in and around the swimming pool.

Considering my sister is my neighbor, it has been unbelievable just how much we've grown together as a family since installing our pool five years ago.

Basically, the pool is a hub for all of us to play, talk, laugh, and genuinely pass quality time together without the normal distractions of the world.


4. The Community

Although this may not be for everyone, it has brought my family great joy to have youth groups and church activities at our home and swimming pool.

Many of these people, because we live in such a rural area, don't have the opportunities to swim in a pool very often. Owning a pool has strengthened our relationships with these great people whom we otherwise would not have gotten to know so well.


5. Creating a ‘Staycation'

I'm sure by now you've heard the new phrase staycation. For those of you that haven't, it means to 'stay' (at home) and have a ‘vacation'. This word entered the modern vernacular in the early 2000s and is likely a result of 9/11 and the fact that more and more people decided to stay home and invest in their backyards instead of going on cruises, traveling, etc.

I know many customers that have taken staycations at their home since buying a pool. Not only have they saved quite a bit of money, but they've also have told me such respites have been surprisingly entertaining and some of the best vacations they've ever shared as a family.


Well, I hope these 5 points give those of who are debating the merits of swimming pool ownership a more clear idea of the beauties of such an investment. Although it may sound cliché, money comes in and out of our lives, but the memories we create as family and friends are something that will last forever and simply have no price tag.




As always, happy swimming and I hope everyone is having a great summer thus far.

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Up Next:

A Guide to Inground Swimming Pool Size, Costs, and Prices: Everything You Should Know

How Much Is My Fiberglass Pool Really Going to Cost?

Editor's note: This blog article was originally published on June 8, 2010 and has been updated and revamped for accuracy and appearance.