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Price Your Pool

River Pools & Spas Blog

The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.

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Cost and Pricing

How Much Does a Fiberglass Pool Cost in Texas?

Texas is a great place for a swimming pool, and it’s an even better place for a fiberglass pool. Why? Fiberglass pools are low maintenance, quick to install, and cheaper to own over time than other inground pools. In addition, choosing a fiberglass pool in Texas can minimize risks that are associated with long installation timelines, which is crucial for those living in windy or stormy areas (we see you, Houston). But how much does it cost to put one of these fiberglass pools in your yard?

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing  |  Pool Maintenance  |  Swimming Pool Design

What is a Natural Pool? Filtration, Costs, and Pros and Cons

Most people work hard to keep their pools from turning green. Others don’t mind it. In fact, they’ll dive in for a swim when the pool is as green as a swamp. Why? That swampy green color is intentional and it’s actually keeping the pool clean.

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Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age Ebook.

Comparing Fiberglass, Concrete, and Vinyl Liner Pools in the Modern Age

Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Cost and Pricing  |  Installation & Construction  |  Swimming Pool Design

Who Can Get a Rooftop Pool?

Let’s say you'd like to get a pool, but you don’t have a yard to put it in. Maybe you’re in a tight neighborhood and can’t fit anything bigger than a kiddie pool on that little patch of grass outside your door. You can give up on the idea, or you can get creative and put a pool on the roof. Everyone knows that it's possible in theory, but can you really put a pool on the roof?

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Concrete Pool Information  |  Cost and Pricing  |  DIY Fiberglass Pools  |  Fiberglass Pool Information  |  Installation & Construction  |  Swimming Pool FAQs  |  Vinyl Liner Pool Information

DIY Inground Pools: Costs, Types, and Problems to Consider

So you’re up for a home improvement project, only this time you’re taking on something big...you want to build your own swimming pool. And that’s awesome. We know how rewarding it can be to complete a project and benefit from it for years. It might fill you with a sense of pride to do things on your own and to do a good job, or you might just want to save some money. Swimming pools can be tricky though, and mistakes can be costly. So, how will you know if a DIY inground pool is a good idea or if you’ve undertaken too much?

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing

What to Expect From an Online Pool Quote Tool

How much does a swimming pool cost? This is the question that most people want to answer first before they decide what features they want their swimming pool to have. However, since we at River Pools have been in the fiberglass swimming pool business for many years, we know that you can never give a simple across-the-board answer when it comes to swimming pool prices.

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing  |  Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner  |  Pool Maintenance

Inground Swimming Pool Maintenance Costs: Chemicals, Electricity, and More

Before getting your swimming pool, you might be asking questions like, “How much does a pool raise your electric bill? What does it cost to get a pool cleaning service? How much will I pay for chemicals?” These are totally valid questions, and you’re a smart shopper for asking them.

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing  |  Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner

A Guide to Inground Swimming Pool Size, Costs, and Prices: Everything You Should Know

Thinking about getting a new inground swimming pool for your backyard? Summers will never be the same again!

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Blog Feature

Concrete Pool Information  |  Cost and Pricing  |  Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner  |  Pool Maintenance

A Massive Review of Concrete Swimming Pools: Costs, Maintenance, Longevity, and More

If you’re looking into getting an inground swimming pool, you might be asking yourself, “Should I get a concrete pool?” Here At River Pools, although we may specialize in fiberglass pools, we readily admit that concrete pools are sometimes a better fit for some people. In fact, there are even times when we encourage shoppers to choose a concrete pool over other types. Why would we do that?

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing  |  Installation & Construction  |  Patio and Coping  |  Pool Design Guides

Inground Pool Coping: Idea and Cost Guide!

Let me just say...if you’re reading this article, it’s pretty safe to say you have good taste. How do I know? Because if you’re researching pool coping, you already know you want something special. Am I right?

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Blog Feature

Cost and Pricing  |  Fiberglass vs Concrete vs Vinyl Liner

How Much Do Above Ground and Inground Swimming Pools Cost?

One of the first questions a pool shopper asks themselves when they begin the process of buying a swimming pool is: How much does a pool cost, and what are the expected prices for the different types of swimming pools? Unfortunately, many people run into a roadblock when they research online as to how much an inground or above ground swimming pool really is going to cost. This article will attempt to answer this important question, but keep in mind that pool prices can vary drastically from region to region.

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