River Pools & Spas Blog
The most educational swimming pool blog in the country, providing fiberglass pool articles and videos, as well as information on inground concrete and liner pools.
Pool Design Guides | Swimming Pool Design
They’re cheap, they’re stylish, they look cool...so what’s the catch?
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Once upon a time, fiberglass technology was in its infancy. Fiberglass pools often looked plain or cheap, simply because technology hadn't advanced very far yet. However, with time, science, and a passion for splashin', modern fiberglass pool manufacturers have blown those outdated appearances out of the water. Today’s fiberglass pools are elegant and stylish, fitting beautifully into any backyard landscape.
Don't blindly wonder if a fiberglass, concrete, or vinyl liner pool is right for you. Our educational ebook does a deep-dive comparison of the 3 types, all while noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Options and Accessories | Swimming Pool Accessories | Swimming Pool Design
My mom is big on interior design, and her most recent project is redoing the tile on her kitchen wall. It wasn’t old-fashioned or broken, but she likes everything to be up-to-date and looking its best. In the same way, for fiberglass pools, tile is a matter of taste, not necessity. Here at River Pools, it’s important to us that you get the pool you want. Some customers love tile, and we’re happy to put it on. Others choose to save the money toward other features and accessories. There’s no wrong option!
With real-estate being a premium even in difficult economies, many backyards today simply don't have a whole lot of space. This being said, just because you have a small backyard doesn't mean you shouldn't consider installing an inground swimming pool. In fact, a small yard can really flourish with the addition of a small pool design and all it has to offer.
Pool Design Guides | Swimming Pool Design
One of the big concerns about fiberglass pools is that they aren't "customizable" the way vinyl liner and concrete pools are—the pool shell itself is pre-made in a factory, and you're limited to existing designs. But in reality? Everything else is customizable, even down to the pool color and features. What you do with color, tile, elevation, water features, and more will dramatically change the look of your pool. At River Pools, we specialize in fiberglass swimming pools, so we know quite a bit about this. Our designers work with each client to create a unique aesthetic that's perfect for that family.
Cost and Pricing | Options and Accessories | Pool Design Guides | Swimming Pool Accessories | Swimming Pool Design
Take a deep breath with me, and think back on the last time you had extra money left over in your budget. Wasn't it great? For me, it was when I had euros left over at the end of my Scotland trip—can't use them here in the US, so I ran around the Glasgow airport with my girlfriend and spent them on overpriced souvenirs. The memory alone warms my heart. The spare money is especially great when your budget is for a big purchase, such as a house or, hey, a pool. Let's be real: when you're first nailing down the project, you pass on a few things that you secretly want, for the sake of Responsibility And Budgeting. But happy day! You can use this newfound wiggle room to pick up those super awesome things. Pools are a big investment, so we're discussing proportionally affordable add-ons—about $2,000 or less.
Cost and Pricing | Finding A Pool Contractor | Patio and Coping | Pool Design Guides | Swimming Pool Accessories | Swimming Pool Design
Most people shopping for a pool think that they know just what they want. For example, 90% of the people who want a diving board think they need it. But after education on the pros and cons of a diving board, only 10% of those people will still get a diving board. You're spending a lot of money on this swimming pool investment. You expect that the person that you invite into your home will be an informed professional and have your best interest at heart. In reality the person who shows up will probably be a salesperson trying to earn a commission that will feed his family or lifestyle. That's what is in his/her best interest, not yours. All too often, the homeowner says, "I want a pool this size and a deck this big," and the salesperson quotes them on what they ask for. It's far easier to sell a pool when the homeowner knows what they want, so why rock the boat? That's the mentality of most salespeople today. The problem: in most cases, what the homeowner thinks they want, and what they really want, are two different things.
Retaining Walls, Fence, and Landscaping | Swimming Pool Design
Few yards are perfectly flat. (Well, maybe in Ohio, which is so flat I can see Cincinnati from Toledo. But in normal places, no.) Some yards have only a teeny-tiny (2 ft. or less) grade, or slight slope, so pool builders can grade the dirt off the patio to compensate for the difference. However, not every situation is so simple. When you have a big slope, you need a big solution. How will you keep the water from running onto the pool deck? How will you keep the pool in place? Enter retaining walls, stage left.
Installation & Construction | Pool Design Guides | Pool Manufacturing Process | Swimming Pool Design
You know something I think is cute about humans in general? Our love for small things. Think about it! Even if we like the thing itself, we love the tiny version. A pig? Kinda gross. A tiny pig? Awww! A teacup? Classy. A tiny teacup? I need it right now! A house? Fine. A tiny house? Perfect! A cat or dog? Beautiful. A kitten or puppy? I want to die of happiness!
Retaining Walls, Fence, and Landscaping | Swimming Pool Design
Some of us (like my friend Ed and my mother) have a green thumb. Some of us (like me) have a black thumb. I either over-water or under-water any houseplants I try to nurture; low-maintenance succulents are the best I can manage, and even that is hit or miss. When you're planning the plants to put around your pool, you'll of course want to pick the prettiest species. But hold your horses! Yes, beauty is important, but there are more strategic elements you need to consider too.