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Waterline Tile on Fiberglass Pools: Installation Video

Waterline Tile on Fiberglass Pools: Installation Video

Pool Videos  |  Options and Accessories

We have found that people considering the purchase of an inground fiberglass pool frequently have questions about the installation of waterline tile.

Some of the most common questions are: 
  • How is it applied?
  • What type of tile is used?
  • What materials are used as adhesive and grout?
  • Why do you use silicone based products?
  • Is it recessed into the pool or applied to the surface?
  • What does it look like after the patio is installed?

The following video addresses all of the questions and shows the step by step installation of waterline tile, also known as perimeter tile, on one of our fiberglass pool projects. 



Be sure to check out our other fiberglass pool tile articles:

Waterline Tile on Fiberglass Pools:  Questions and Answers
Do Fiberglass Pools look like Bathtubs?...A Prevention Guide

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